Thursday, October 20, 2005

Three Years and Two Days Sober

Today, by the grace of God, I am three years and two days sober. I thank my heavenly Father for his amazing grace. I thank Jesus for saving me and changing me. I am so thankful for Kim who stayed with me. I am so grateful to have our precious children. I'm happy to be alive and sober. It's a miracle! I talked to my old sponsor (John C.) in Columbus and my new sponsor in Huntington. (Tom J). They were happy for me. I am thankful for all my friends in AA. The meeting today was great. I will continue to work my program of recovery and live one day at a time.

1 comment:

George Welty said...

Jeff I am so proud of you, and I am glad you are my spiritual mentor. May we all attack life "one day at a time."

ps. I'm getting that picture.