Friday, October 28, 2005

I'm Glad I Was Caught

I'm glad I was caught. If it didn't happen I would probably still be drinking and doing bad things. But God has changed me, forgiven me, and he is using me. I praise his name! God wants to forgive us more than we want forgiveness. God does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. You have never and will never do anything to make God stop loving you. The woman who was caught in the act of adultery discovered how much Jesus loved her (John 8.1-11). After silencing her condemning accusers Jesus told her to leave her life of sin. She staggered out of the court yard stunned by the love and forgiveness of Christ. If you have been recently caught in sin don't give up. There are a number of stories in the Bible about people who were caught in sin. On two occasions Abraham was caught lying to Pharaoh about his relationship to his wife Sarah. Judah was caught soliciting a woman he thought was a prostitute but she turned about to be his daughter-in-law. Moses was caught when he killed an Egyptian. David was caught in adultery and murder. Peter was caught denying Christ. Paul was caught on his way to arrest Christians but Christ arrested him. These Bible characters were caught and repented and far from being rejected, they continued to serve God in important ways. God is still doing this today. Every saint has a history and every sinner has a future. God will forgive you just like he has forgiven me. This is the way he forgives and loves all of his prodigals. So don’t stay in the far country. Run home knowing that the only feet faster than the feet of repentance are the feet of forgiveness. Acknowledge your wrong doings and stop sinning so that you may avoid more serious consequences. Set your feet on the road to recovery, make relationships a priority and experience the love and forgiveness of God. If you are struggling with alcohol or illicit sex or greed or some other vice, don't keep it a secret. Confess your sins to God and a trusted friend and you will be healed (James 5.16). Don't worry about loosing your reputation. I'm glad I lost mine. Now that I lost my reputation I can work on my character.

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