Saturday, December 31, 2005

The best are capable of the worst and the worst are capable of the best

Don’t be deceived by thinking that you cannot fall into sin. The most celebrated heroes in the Bible were guilty of the worst behavior. Noah got drunk. Abraham lied. Lot committed incest. Judah slept with his daughter-in-law Tamar because he thought she was a prostitute. Moses murdered an Egyptian. David committed adultery. Peter denied Christ. Do you really believe you are incapable of such things? Think again. The same sin nature that lived in these people lives in you. Remember, even the best are capable of the worst. On the other hand, don’t be deceived into thinking that you’ve done something so bad that God can no longer use you. God will forgive you if you place your faith in Jesus Christ. In fact, God will turn your worst failures will be your greatest strengths. The best are capable of the worst and the worst are capable of the best. Both are important to remember. One keeps you humble. The other gives you hope.

1 comment:

Jesse said...

I never thought of it that way..good point!