Monday, January 02, 2006

Duplicity Spoils Everything

A man took his girlfriend on a picnic. He stopped at Kentucky Fried Chicken and ordered two chicken dinners. When they arrived at the park and opened the bag they found $800 dollars in cash. The cashier had accidentally given them the wrong bag. Instead of getting chicken they got a bag full of money that was suppose to go to the manager to be deposited into the bank. So they drove back to the store and found the KFC manager in tears. When they returned the bag of cash the manager was so relieved. He said, “You are the most honest people I’ve ever met. I’m going to call the newspaper and asked them to take a picture of you and your girlfriend and report this story in the newspaper because you are so honest.” But they said, “No, don’t do that!” The manager asked “Why?” The man explained “The woman I’m with is not my wife.” Duplicity spoils everything. We can be honest in one area of life and, at the same time, be living a lie. Let’s make integrity our goal. Proverbs 11.3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.


Jesse said...

WOW, that was an awesome story!!! I will never get bored of your awesome mini sermons!

Scotty G said...

What a rich lesson pointed out in the simplest of ways!
Good job!

Unknown said...

Thank you Jesse and Scott!