Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Christians Everywhere

This past year I have spoken in a variety of settings (e.g., hospitals, Greenbrier Hotel, schools, performing arts center, Marshall University, recovery counsel mental health agencies) and I have found Christians in all of these settings. Included in my presentation on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a section where I talk about the importance of prayer and people always seem glad that I include it. When you work in your community don't hesitate to talk about Jesus. Most people are not turned off - it turns them on. Yes, you will run into a few people who are hostile toward Christians but most people will recieve you. You will find many Christians in the crowd. Last Friday I spoke at the Recovery Counsel in Pike County Ohio and last night I spoke for the Marshall Universtiy Diabetes Center at Cabell Huntington Hospital. When I asked "How many of you pray?" nearly everyone raised their hand. During breaks many people talked about their involvement in church. Many of them will talk freely about Jesus. It's amazing - there are Christians everywhere. I am very encouraged by this.

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