Wednesday, January 18, 2006


2 Corinthians 10.5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ You can speak about 150 words a minute but you think about 10 times as fast as you talk. According to David Stoop, everyone thinks a minimum of 1500 words a minute. There is an inner dialogue going on in your mind all the time. You are doing it right now. You are talking to yourself. That’s the way you process information, through words and images. The thoughts and images you entertain influence the way you feel and behave. The things you say to yourself are sometimes more powerful than the things you say aloud because you tend edit your thoughts before you speak your mind. If you think depressing thoughts you will feel and act depressed. If you worry and fret you will feel and act anxious. The next time you upset yourself pay attention to your thought-life. Become aware of the mental images you are entertaining. Ask yourself “Is this thought true? Is this image healthy? Is it in harmony with the character of Christ? Is it realistic or exaggerated?” Remember your beliefs are your choice. If you want to think self-defeating, impure, angry, anxious, or depressing thoughts you can. If you want to think true, godly, wholesome, or healthy thoughts you can. Pray over you thought-life and ask God to transform your mind so that your feelings and behavior are in sync with him. Tell God you want to think his thoughts i.e., to think like Jesus right now. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. He will introject thoughts and images that are excellent and praiseworthy and this will give you peace. You can change the way you feel and behave by changing the way you think. The Holy Spirit transforms you by renewing of your mind but you have to be willing to cooperate with him.


Jesse said...

Once again another awesome post by Jeff! Good Work!

Unknown said...

I love what Charles Stanley said!

Thank you for your encouaragement.