Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. In 1965 my mom and dad were a member of a church that, at that time, was very legalistic in their views regarding youth activities and cooperation with other churches, orphan homes and Christian Colleges. I do not remember this because I was only three years old but Jeanie and Susan witnessed it. Dad was an elder at that church and was taking the youth to Charleston once a month for area wide youth activities. This church had made a list of rules that were not found in the Bible and one of those rules made it a sin to have area wide youth activities. Some of the men in that church mistreated dad. They came to the house and knocked on the door. Dad would go out to their car and they would grill him for hours. They finally called the church together to disfellowship him. Other preachers came to that meeting in his defense and sit beside dad. Two men lead the meeting and they brought the ridiculous accusation against dad. They were going to excommunicate him for taking the young people to Kanawha City Church for youth fellowships. After they made their speech and formally disfellowshiped dad the man said “Now, I want the church to follow me and leave the building.” He walked to the back and no one followed him. Jeanie told me that Susan, who was 16 years old, said aloud “There goes the church.” Dad and mom went to another church and people all of the area invited him to preach. That legalistic church fell apart. The hostility and the power struggle became so bad that it actually escalated into a physical fight between two families. While all of that hostility was going on Dad was busy working a job, preaching on the weekends, and taken care of his family. He didn’t talk about it. He didn’t have a bitter bone in his body. There was not even a hint of resentment. Mom and Dad never mentioned it after that Sunday. They forgave them. When I read Matthew 5:13-16 I know that it describes dad and mom because they were the salt of the earth and the light of world because Jesus was shining in them. The way this sad story ended was so wonderful. The two men who mistreated Dad finally repented and apologized. Twenty years later one man called dad when the man was on his death bed. He said that he didn’t want to die without confessing and apologizing to dad. That church invited dad to preach for them again. Dad and mom went back to that church and supported it with their love and leadership. The last sermon dad preached was in that church before he died. Dad and mom loved the people in that church. I love them too. Dad and mom handled insults and mistreatment with grace and dignity. They were salt and light. Great examples for me to follow.


preacherman said...

What faith your parents must have had.
Your post gives us an example of how we should be when we are mistreated.
Thanks for the inspiration.
I enjoyed your post and your blog.
I pray that God will bless your ministry as your serve Him.
Thank again and look to reading more of your blog.
Love for you to check out mine anytime.
Thanks again.
1 Tim 4:12

Unknown said...

Thank you!

Lee Hodges said...

Thanks Jeff for sharing your parents with us. It gives me great insite as to the great man of God you have become.

Larry said...

Your parents exemplify the meaning of being children of God. What a great story with a wonderful ending.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jeff, I remember that story, and what a blessing for our family that you wrote it all down so well. Papa and Grandma really let Christ's grace shine through them.