Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Da Vinci Fad

Dan Brown’s novel is a fast-moving thriller that keeps you in suspense. It’s also a money making machine. I was amused to see all the Da Vinci Code merchandise being sold on the internet. Leonardo never dreamed he would inspire so many crazy ideas. If you need to exercise you can purchase "The Da Vinci Fitness Code" for $21. If you need to loose weight for $16 you can buy "The Diet Code" which contains revolutionary weight loss secrets from Da Vinci. If you want to gain creative advantage in your career or business, for $18 you can buy the book "Work like Da Vinci". If you want to play you can buy "The Da Vinci Code Video Game" for your Play Station 2 for $39.99. Entrepreneurs are capitalizing on it’s popularity by selling everything from T-Shirts to posters. My favorite is a poster of Forest Gump running from an albino, killer monk. The Da Vinci Code is just the latest fad sweeping the nation. Like all other fads it will soon pass. I agree with Rubel Shelly who wrote “In the end, we may owe a debt of gratitude to Dan Brown for creating an opportunity for authentic faith to shine.” Despite the outrageous claims the novel makes, I think at least two good things have come from it. It’s easy to start spiritual conversations and it has caused us to study deeper. It has actually strengthened our faith in Jesus and our trust in the Bible.

1 comment:

Bill Williams said...

Excellent thoughts here Jeff. Just before the movie came out I emailed many members of my church family, asking them how they felt about me teaching a few lessons about the book as an outreach venture. They overwhelmingly replied, "Don't do it!" Most said they didn't want the church lumped in with the radical right that is always quick to everyone what's wrong with everything and everybody.