Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. Your growth in Christ depends on your spiritual appetite. You're not supposed to hunger for blessedness or happiness. You're suppose to hunger for righteousness. God bestows his righteousness on us through our faith in Jesus Christ. Once God declares and imputes his righteousness upon us the Holy Spirit writes his laws on our hearts. The Holy Spirit provides us with new DNA. Even more, the Spirit takes our stone heart out and puts a new heart in. A heart that is sensitive and tender for God. He gives us a new spirit and he moves us to keep God's law. Far from this being some mechanical response to a list of rules, the Spirit shapes us into the image of Christ . God takes over our thoughts, will, and emotions so that he can work out the righteousness that he put in. How does he do it? He makes us hungry. That's right. God makes us hungry to live right. As you go about your day think about doing the next right thing. Then do it and see if it's not satisfying.

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