Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Speaking at the Zoe Conference in Nashville

I've been invited to speak at the Look to the Hills Conference at Woodmont in Nashville TN. I thank God for this opportunity. I am also thankful for Greg Taylor and Eric-Noah Wilson who invited me to tell my story. My sobreity date is October 19, 2002. That is the day I caused an automobile accident that changed my life. Fortunately, no one was physically injured but me. I was broken by my own sin. My sin was great but God's grace is greater. Jesus turned my life around. I was treated for alcoholism at Mary Haven, joined AA, got me a sponsor, read the big book, prayed the prayers, and worked the steps one by one. I continue to work with my sponsor and go to AA. I will be sober three years next month and I am so grateful. I was saved by grace. God snatched me from the flames. I'm going to be teaching what churches can do for prodigals like me. I pray that I will do a good job speaking.

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