Friday, September 16, 2005

Planning for my 25 Year High School Reunion

James 4.14b What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. This Saturday I will be meeting with my friends from Scott High School in Madison WV to plan for our 25 year High School Reunion. I am excited to see my friends. But my, time passes so fast - 24 years have past so fast. I am 42 years old now but I remember my high school days like they were yesterday. Playing football, playing in the "Little Coal River Band", hanging out with my friends - I have so many good memories. I met with Darrell and Jimmy at Wendy's a few weeks ago and it was like were never apart. The trust and joy seemed just as real as it was when we were teenagers. We laughed and talked about old times. We caught up with each other's life. I told them my story and they told me their stories. We didn't want to leave. Time passes so fast. I remember thinking 42 was "old". I don't think that anymore. I feel like the same person I was when I was a teenager - you know, I have the same personality. I certainly don't do the things I used to do (drinking) but "I" feel the same inside. I don't feel any different at all. I feel like I'm 17 but my body looks different. I used to ripple but now I jiggle. Tomorrow Bobby and I are going to play some music before the meeting. I look forward to seeing all my friends. Life is short but it sure is good.

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