Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Dads and Daughters

When Billy Crystal’s daughter turned eleven, he was in New York filming a movie. He called her long-distance and apologized for his heavy work schedule. He promised that a big package would be delivered to her soon. Later that day he flew from New York to Los Angeles. When his daughter, Lindsey, opened the door, a six-foot high carton greeted her. She began ripping it open on the spot and discovered that dad was inside the carton. Billy says, “She hugged me for five minutes. It was unbelievable!” He went on to say, “I missed twenty-five birthdays with my dad. I’m not going to let that happen with my girls.” Billy Crystal was fifteen when his father died of a heart attack. Billy’s father couldn’t be with him for 25 years because he died. But what is even more tragic is when a father could be there but isn’t.

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