Monday, March 27, 2006

Faith Works

Many years ago George Blondin walked across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. Thousands of people showed up to see this unbelievable feat. Spectators lined both the Canadian and American sides. Blondin walked up to the edge of the tightrope and began to walk across -- inch by inch, step by step. He got out in the middle and everybody held their breath. They knew that if he made one mistake in balance he'd fall off the rope and into the falls and be killed. Blondin got to the other side and the crowd went wild, shouting and cheering. Blondin said, "I'm going to do it again." He got to the other side and the crowds went crazy. Blondin said, "I'm going to do it again but this time I'm going to bush a wheel barrow full of dirt." He pushed the wheel barrow across the tightrope and the crowds cheered. Blondin did this stunt with the wheel barrow many times. About the tenth trip across he pushed the wheel barrow in front of a tourist who said, "I believe you could do that all day." Blondin said, “Do you really believe that?” The man said, “Sure I believe it.” Blondin dumped out the dirt and said, "Get in." It’s one thing to say you believe. It’s another to demonstrate that your faith is real. Faith is invisible. In a sense, faith is like the wind – you can’t see it directly but you can see or feel it’s effect. You can say “I believe. I really believe.” But if your walk doesn’t match your talk your faith is not real. Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. Faith without deeds is dead. Jesus wants us to “get in” and demonstrate that our faith is real. Faith in Christ is more than mental ascent. It’s more than simply “saying” that we believe the facts of the gospel. Faith works.

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