Saturday, December 23, 2006

Worshiping Jesus Creates Unity

I heard Ravi Zacherias tell a beautiful story a that occurred many years ago. During the cold war, one of the team members of the Billy Graham Crusade was in Romania. It was a cold, blistery snowy day and he was bundled up, trying to keep warm as he was walking down the street. But one Romanian walked by with his hands in his pockets and he was whistling a tune. He wondered how that fellow could whistle in the cold. Then he paused and listened. He was whistling an old hymn “The great physician now is here, the sympathizing Jesus.” He said, “I ran after him and I asked ‘Do you know Christ?’” The fellow shrugged his shoulders because he did not speak English. He didn’t know what to do. Then he decided to whistle the hymn. And the fellow’s eyes lit up. His face just beamed. He whistled the melody with him. They hugged one another. Pointed towards heaven and walked away together whistling. Two worlds were bridged by the mystery of worship. That’s what Jesus does for us. Worshiping Jesus creates unity. Just the tune of a hymn about Jesus can cause you to wrap your arms around a total stranger because you know that they are in the family of God.

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