Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Try The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE)

I use online resources for Bible study most of the time. I began preaching twenty years ago when nearly all my resources were in printed books - large, thick volumes. I remember doing word studies - thumbing through those large volumes, referencing and recording, etc. It used to take a long time to find what you were looking for - Not anymore! The availability of (free) online Bible resources and tools makes a huge differencee! Here's one of them. Try The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE). I use it a lot. I have several Bible tools and go-to resources - this is one of them. Here's a little summary of the ISBE from - "Welcome to the The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia on! Containing 9448 entries cross-referenced and cross-linked to other resources on, this encyclopedia can be classified as a required reference book for any good study library. This practical, authoritative, and complete classic reference encyclopedia explains every significant word in the Bible and Apocrypha. It gives detailed information on the language and literature of Bible lands, and the historical and religious environments of the people of the Bible in articles by nearly 200 scholars. All scripture references and reference to other entries within the text have been linked. To use this encyclopedia to it's full potential, follow all the links presented within the text of the entry you are reading." Ready to try it? Just visit

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