Saturday, February 13, 2010

If you look at the future it changes and that changes everything else

I just heard a good line from a man - I can't remember his name but what he said captured my attention. He said, "Here's the thing about the future. If you look at the future it changes and that changes everything else." I like it. It's true. When look ahead and change your plans it changes your future. And that changes everything else. You can avoid many problems by looking ahead. Maybe now, as you read this post, is a good time to look at your future. Ask yourself this question: "If I keep heading down the road I am on where am I going to be when I get there?" If you are on the high road following Jesus, stay on it. If not, take the next exit and change directions. When you do this, it may change everything else (relationships, your "station" or place in life, etc) because you do not life in isolation - what you decide affects your family and friends - changing one part changes the whole. I think it could also apply to the past - not that looking at your past changes it but that the linear logic used in blaming all your problems on one event (or person) is a mistake - it's not true. The cause was not the one bad thing, it was many things and that changed everthing, including your reaction to it. The S-R model you learned in Psychology 101 does not fit. It's not billiard ball world. You can't find cause using linear thinking. It's circular, complex and multidiminisional and accepting responsibility for how you think, feel and behave in reaction to the bad thing that happened may be the most important factor. OK. Enough.I need to think about it later. It has captured my attention for too long - I need to get back to reviewing and rehearsing my sermon for Lord's Day morning. But all of the above is related to God. David said "we are fearfully and wonderly made" and that's certainly true of everything he created. All of creation - time, space, everything - all of it is so wonderfully complex. Who can understand it? Who has ever known the mind of God? His thoughts and ways are so high and lofty. When I look up it makes me bow low and worship him.

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