Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A post from Mom about Dad

This post was written by mom. Jeanie typed it and now I'm posting it. It appeared the the Sonshiner's Bulletin this month.
God's Word
"My husband was a Bible scholar—especially an Old Testament Scholar. People came from near and far to ask him Old Testament questions. He preached and taught classes for 40 years. Never a day went by that he didn’t have his head in the book and his knee on the floor. I used to wonder how he could learn anything new after studying all those years. I had studied the New Testament but thought the Old Testament didn’t apply to us and it was too hard to understand. How wrong I was!! About two years before he died I began to study the Old Testament. I learned that the Old Testament was an unfolding plan for Jesus to come with wonderful prophecies about Jesus. "As I began to study, I made a lot of notes and used workbooks. Then I got the idea to become a scribe. I found that I could remember so much more if I wrote it down. So I began with Genesis and wrote the Old Testament by hand. I have forgotten much of what I studied but remember so much more than I would have if I hadn’t written it down. "My husband is in heaven now. He has joined the great cloud of witnesses cheering us on that we read about in Hebrews chapter 12. He is saying 'read it, write it, memorize it, and teach it. It is God’s word.'" written by: Betty Garrett


irmalee said...

Dear Jeff: This is a wonderful post written by your Mom. Also, a very good learning tool for some one like me that needs to learn about and study the bible more. I know you are very proud of her.

Tell the family hello and that I love you all very much. It was good seeing the kids at church Sunday.

Love You - Irmalee


Bill Williams said...

Having just happened across your blog one day a few months ago, I cannot write with the same familiarity as Irmalee in my comment. I can, however, tell you how deeply I appreciate this post. Wow! What a beautiful family you have. What a blessed man you are!! To God be the glory!!! -bill