Thursday, March 05, 2009

Evangelism Jesus' Style is Simple and Easy

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. When you serve other people, especially the less fortunate, you are planting seed like Jesus. Peter said in Acts 10:38 that "God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and ... he went around doing good". That's Jesus' style of evangelism. He went around doing good. We make it too hard. We seem to think we are not evangelizing unless we're in some deep theological discussion about the meaning of life. There may be times when that happens but more often than not the most effective evangelism occurs when you are doing simple little things like shoveling snow off your neighbors driveway or fixing a peanut butter sandwiches for neighborhood kids or picking up mail for the widow next door. Somebody asked, "Does that really count? I mean, is that 'real' evangelism?" You bet it is - the best kind. Jesus' style is simple and easy. Just go around doing good things for people and God will make it grow.


Jonathan Jay said...

I stumbled across your blog today and really enjoyed reading.

Thank you for the amazing thoughts

Anonymous said...

Find out where God is already working and join Him in the work. There are a lot of ministries throughout the city that can use more fuel (i.e., volunteers). Minister to the homeless, tutor children, form relationships with your neighbors. There is true joy in service